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Sunday 5th November 2023 2.00 - 4.00pm

Participants will be introduced to the rigid heddle loom available for them to use during the session.  The loom will be warped and ready for weaving to begin.  Participants will be taught how to weave a piece of fabric which they will be able to take home with them. You will have the option of purchasing the rigid heddle loom you have been using for an additional fee of £75. 

This class is suitable for beginners but quick learners or those who have woven before will have the opportunity to weave more complex designs using pick up sticks.  Please bring a pair of scissors with you

As enthusiastic weavers Gillian and Emma weave on rigid heddle looms and a floor loom creating unique luxury scarves, cowls and accessories.  They are passionate about encouraging others to learn to weave.  They design, make and sell small frame loom weaving kits and rigid heddle loom cowl and scarf kits using predominantly British wool from British sheep via their website 


Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving with Tabby and Tweed

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